We imagined Сarnival4David as a space of solidarity. It was held in more than 200 locations worldwide from Zuccotti Park NY, in Rojava, the ZAD in France, Korea, Austria, Berlin and London—Portobello Road—the place where David spent the last years of his life.

Here you can see the recordings of broadcasts from around the world. We are working on an international video and will post it soon.

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Talking about David Graeber

October 11, 2020 @ 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm BST

We are going to invite friends here in Bogotá and Colombia to join a zoom event where we will be talking about David´s extensive bibliography production, focus mainly in his Debt book.


October 11, 2020
9:00 pm - 10:00 pm BST
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BogotaGuillermo Villamizar
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