Style Guide

The Style Guide for website

Grid Setup

To be shown by example pages.

Color Palette

The color palette is basically black & white.

lorem #292929 lorem #ffffff lorem #dddddd lorem #dddddd

The accent color will be used to color elements such as links and buttons as well as various elements in your theme.

lorem #eeeeee

The accent hover color will be used to color elements such as links and buttons as well as various elements in your theme.

lorem #ff4545

Not in use.


Main title h1

Main title h1

This is a h2

This is a h3

This is a h4

This is a h5
This is a h6
This is preformated

This is a parapgraph

Home Page section headline on a large screen

Roboto Ultra-bold 56 px

Home Page section headline on a small screen (mobile)

Roboto Ultra-bold 38 px


UI Components

  • Buttons (defined in theme customizer)
  • Links
  • Form elements